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Community Room Policy


*Priority in scheduling the community room is as follows:

  1. Library and Friends of the Library activities.
  2. Non-profit educational, civic and cultural groups conducting public meetings.
  3. For profit education, civic and cultural groups.
  4. Social events such as wedding receptions and family gatherings, that are not open to the general public.

*Use of the community room and kitchen shall be denied to:

  1. Any group whose purpose or actions are illegal.
  2. Any group whose conduct interferes with the activities of the library.
  3. Any group whose purpose poses potential harm to the furnishings in the community room or kitchen.

*The director will inform the board chairman if there are irregular circumstances regarding a request for use of the room.

*Other areas of the library may be available for small meetings and can be scheduled with the librarians.

* Use of the meeting rooms does not constitute endorsement by the Franklin County Library District or Franklin County on points of view or subject matter presented by room users.  No advertisement or announcement implying such endorsement shall be permitted.  The library’s phone number shall not be listed as a contact number in any advertising for the event.

* The library is not responsible for losses or damage to materials belonging to individual or groups using the meeting rooms.

*No more than 77 people shall use the community room at any one time.

*Setup and cleanup are the responsibility of the user.


A deposit of $100 will be required for anyone bringing food into the community room, or at the discretion of the scheduler.  If all requirements for upkeep of the room are met, the entire deposit will be refunded.  However, costs for removing stains from the carpet and furnishings, repair or replacement of missing items from the community room or kitchen, will be deducted out of the deposit.


Reservations may be made at the circulation desk and must be made in person.  The Community Room Reservation Request Form must be filled out.  Please notify the library if unable to use the room after having it reserved.  Reservations may not be made for more than 80 people.  Reservations for ongoing periods of time must be cleared by the director.

General Rules

  1. Children must not be left unattended in the library or on the grounds.
  2. In compliance with Idaho Code, no smoking is allowed in any area of the library including the Story Garden.
  3. Alcoholic Beverages are not permitted on the premises.
  4. No gum is allowed in the community room, kitchen or Story Garden.
  5. No firearms and other weapons are allowed on the premises.
  6. Persons attending the meetings are subject to all library rules and regulations.
  7. The rooms must be cleared of all items brought in by the user, such as boxes, brochures, serving equipment, decorations, etc. at the end of the meeting.
  8. No materials, may be tacked, glued, stapled, taped or attached in any way to walls, doors, windows, woodwork or furniture. This includes post-it type flip chart pages.

Set-up and Clean-up

  1. User is responsible for setting up chairs and tables.
  2. User is responsible for returning chairs and tables to storage. Tables must be cleaned and stacked on the table dolly.  Chairs must be cleaned of any spills and set up in neat rows as found.
  3. Floor must be vacuumed.
  4. All garbage and trash must be deposited in garbage can. Take garbage out to the dumpster across from the kitchen door.  Replace garbage liners.
  5. All library equipment that was borrowed by user must be placed on the podium. User will be responsible for any damage.
  6. No ball or other active games that could incur damage to the building may be used in the community room or Story Garden. No skate boards, bicycles, skates, or scooters are allowed in the building.